Friday, June 21, 2013


At this moment, I am sitting on the couch and listening to my father and brother fill out a parks voluteer form. Listening? Yes. They are sitting at the dining room table behind me, and they are loud. People in my house don't simply write down their information. They discuss it with eachother and deliberate way more than necessary before writing it down.
Anyways, my dad is going to teach tennis, and Jojo is going to help him. It’s difficult to predict how this arrangement will work out…meaning the combination of my brother and little kids. We shall see. My dad played and taught tennis in college, and every summer for the past ten years he has attempted to teach the ways of tennis to me. Every year. And somehow, every time my racket hits that green ball, it still does one of three things:
1. Sails over the big fence surrounding the court.
2. Rams smack dab into the little net, which the ball is supposed to sail over.
3. Manages to get over the little net and stay away from the big fence, but of course lands outside the stupid lines.
Ugh. Tennis is not my calling. Hopefully, if Dad and Jojo get accepted as Columbus Park volunteers, it will distract them from trying to transform me into a female Federer. Last summer, I decided to refrain from participation and just take pictures of everyone else playing tennis...during a particularly discouraging week, anyway. I do not see myself picking up tennis again in the near future, considering the courts near our new house don't have a big fence surrounding them. Me playing tennis on those courts would end in disaster. Besides, my non-participation reduces the frustration level for everyone concerned.
Take a look at the courts of Little City my hometown:

My dad is generally the more intense tennis player.
Bending over is completely unnecessary.
Jojo...slightly distracted.
I suppose this was a backhand shot.
The serve.
I thought that, perhaps, looking through these sentimental pictures from my last summer in Maine would motivate me to try tennis again this year...

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