I have had four very different phones. Soon to become five, if my brilliant plan takes effect, but that is for a post of the future. Some of you may remember my first cellphone. T'was a silver hunky chunky flip phone, sporting a trendy antenna and a .0000001 megapixel camera. But hey. Everyone should experience some flip phone action so they can fully appreciate the slide phone or (gasp) the smartphone. After two long years, my contract was up and i got my LG cosmos 2. I loved that phone. I never complained about it. It was a basic slide phone and I was
perfectly content with it. Then tragedy struck. My beloved phone....died. With no warning! It just *pffft* died (not sure what sort of sound pffft makes but its not pleasant). My siblings think my phone's death was somehow the effect of being dropped several times...they're
wrong. No relation. That's the "post ergo propter hoc" logic fallacy, right there (mrs winters! 8th grade logic/debate has
payed off! Red herring!)
Anyways, regardless of how this misfortune befell me, I had to reactivate my mom's old flip phone. Back to square one. Good grief. At least this escapade thing didn't have an antenna. That would
really take a toll on my playground cred. But still. Y'all probably recognize this: "-sent from Sarah's dork phone-". I missed the sound of the sliding qwerty keyboard. My friends made fun of me. Yeah, you
know who you are.
But, about a week ago something revolutionary dawned on me. Dude! I can buy a used slide phone on amazon for like thirty bones.
What?! Why have I been living like this?! Soooo....tada! Hallelujah! On my way back to well over a thousand txts per month!
My friends are starting to think I have a real fascination with blue...wherever I go I take
Dory and Sammi the Samsung.
Yes, I totally just named my phone.
Meet my new (to me) Samsung Intensity II.
First phone, Fav phone, Dork phone, New phone. |
If you aren't acquainted with
Dory...first of all, know that Finding Dory is a real movie. Maybe. I'm still not exactly sure. Secondly,
Dory is featured on Scintillate, so go read up on her.
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