Saturday, April 27, 2013

Not a Ninnyhammer

Everyone loves a good, creative insult...i found this list on Merriam-Webster:

 #1: Cockalorum
a boastful and self-important person; a strutting little fellow
About the word:
If cockalorum suggests a crowing cock, that's because cockalorum probably comes from kockeloeren – an obsolete Dutch dialect verb meaning "to crow."

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Blog

I first created Scintillate because my friend and sister (not by blood but in spirit) Victoria defied the world and left Facebook. I missed seeing her posts and I started following her blog. And I started Scintillate soon after. I love my blog. Even if nobody read my blog I would love it. I whooped for joy when I discovered, just this week, that I've reached 1500 pageviews. Not really that many, I know (and a lot of those views are probably my own, haha),'s still exciting. All those pageviews are really only from seven months of posts, considering I took a prolonged break from June til December. So nothing will quell my excitement.
Anyways, a couple of my friends (including my cousin ;D) are looking to start blogs. I decided that, although I'm not an expert by any means, I would share a few tips:
1. Think hard about your name...or don't think at all. The name Scintillate was perfect for me, you'll find something that's perfect for you.
2. Don't make the design too complicated. People like myself with small brains don't want to look all over kingdom come for your latest post.
3. Write about stupid stuff, write about significant stuff, write about everything. You can pick and choose when you're going to post your pieces, but there's a place for everything. Just write and write and write. It's nice to have a well of writing to draw from during the droughts of inspiration.
4. Convince yourself that you're speaking to an audience. Even if no one is reading your beloved blog. It's working well for me as we speak.
5. Don't conform to anyone else's writing style. Mine may be boring and rambling...but even though I do make an effort to be more succinct as my style matures, i don't change the sound of my writing.
Most of all, just have fun with it. Obviously. Your family will enjoy it at least. And don't be afraid to let people know you have a blog! Spreading the word doesn't oblige anyone to read it, but they can't read it if  you don't tell them your blog exists. If any of you reading this has a blog, comment or msg me so I can follow you!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ode to Joy

Much of my writing is just a lot of hot air with an attempt at wit (heavy with sarcasm) and a charge (be it positive or negative) of personal opinion. However, the time has come for a legitimate update. We're now members of two new co-ops! Huzzah! Let me tell you a little about ODE (one day enrichment OR origami discipleship elitists).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I just got an instagram. I love photography, so I love my instagram. You can follow me if you want; my username is sarainelli. Now, the first couple of days as an instagramer I went a little wild. I've only had a profile for about five days, but I already have upwards of twenty photos posted there. When I discover new things like instagram (or ios games i legitimately enjoy, for another example), I'm addicted for several days. Everything makes time (often suffering for it) while my new thing is in the limelight. When I started Scintillate I spent a week straight designing my blog, and wrote like words were going out of style. It took over my life. I'm always either all in with something, or completely apathetic. That's just the way my brain is wired, I guess, making it difficult for me to take a passing interest in something without first learning its details backwards and forwards. When I joined twitter and instagram, that involved understanding the art of the hashtag...and looking up lots of acronyms in the urban dictionary. hahaha
And then there's tumblr, twitter, google+, facebook, pinterest, and whatever other social networking fads are in style. I only have profiles on facebook, twitter, pinterest, and now instagram. I can't keep up with it! If only I had an iphone, then everything would be easier, right? lol. But I just don't understand how people update their facebook, instagram, twitter, google+ (i actually have no idea what google plus is), pinterest, and tumblr every day, several times a day. Especially the people who don't have apps. I have lots of profiles in different places but I don't check all of my social apps on a regular basis...I spend all my time with one network and don't bother to check the others. I guess I could link all my profiles and post the same thing on all different platforms...but that defies my creativity. Besides. Instagram is only for pictures, Facebook statuses are practically novellas in themselves, and twitter is a little of each. I don't even know how to link pinterest to that.
The point to this is...
1. Instagram is way fun. Get an instagram and follow me, because I need more followers than Rachel (I led her to the light a few hours after I made my own profile).
2. It's okay to be a little addicted to something for a few days, but don't miss out on the conversations and fun that make up the context of that picture (or tweet or status) you just posted.
3. Remember that most of your followers are only imaginary friends.
4. Go play outside.
5. My half-birthday is coming up...and fyi I'm saving up for an iphone.
lol jk ^

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I was reading some of my old blog posts, when i found an unfinished piece about unfinished projects...ironic, i know.
"Today I was looking at my writing archives when I decided to flip through some of the stories I wrote when I was little. Well, some of the stories I started, anyway. I have begun writing so many books, you have no idea. And I only ever finished two of those projects. One was a blessedly short, illustrated childrens book about a kiwi (as in the frumpy, flightless bird, not the fruit) that I had to complete for school. The other was "Adventures with the Petersons". I wrote it when I was in second grade. Ouch. I say I love to write but the only book I ever finished was a rambling narration of the Petersons' lives that i penned as a seven year old? It's tough to own up to, but, yes. It's true. I think it's because I was so little that I didn't really care about what other people thought of my writing, so it was a whole lot easier to just...write!"

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


My heart is in New England today more than ever. Life is fragile, everyone. Make every day count. </3