Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I just got an instagram. I love photography, so I love my instagram. You can follow me if you want; my username is sarainelli. Now, the first couple of days as an instagramer I went a little wild. I've only had a profile for about five days, but I already have upwards of twenty photos posted there. When I discover new things like instagram (or ios games i legitimately enjoy, for another example), I'm addicted for several days. Everything makes time (often suffering for it) while my new thing is in the limelight. When I started Scintillate I spent a week straight designing my blog, and wrote like words were going out of style. It took over my life. I'm always either all in with something, or completely apathetic. That's just the way my brain is wired, I guess, making it difficult for me to take a passing interest in something without first learning its details backwards and forwards. When I joined twitter and instagram, that involved understanding the art of the hashtag...and looking up lots of acronyms in the urban dictionary. hahaha
And then there's tumblr, twitter, google+, facebook, pinterest, and whatever other social networking fads are in style. I only have profiles on facebook, twitter, pinterest, and now instagram. I can't keep up with it! If only I had an iphone, then everything would be easier, right? lol. But I just don't understand how people update their facebook, instagram, twitter, google+ (i actually have no idea what google plus is), pinterest, and tumblr every day, several times a day. Especially the people who don't have apps. I have lots of profiles in different places but I don't check all of my social apps on a regular basis...I spend all my time with one network and don't bother to check the others. I guess I could link all my profiles and post the same thing on all different platforms...but that defies my creativity. Besides. Instagram is only for pictures, Facebook statuses are practically novellas in themselves, and twitter is a little of each. I don't even know how to link pinterest to that.
The point to this is...
1. Instagram is way fun. Get an instagram and follow me, because I need more followers than Rachel (I led her to the light a few hours after I made my own profile).
2. It's okay to be a little addicted to something for a few days, but don't miss out on the conversations and fun that make up the context of that picture (or tweet or status) you just posted.
3. Remember that most of your followers are only imaginary friends.
4. Go play outside.
5. My half-birthday is coming up...and fyi I'm saving up for an iphone.
lol jk ^


  1. so I found your blog on your instagram and HEY! you're blogging about instagram today. what! um so yeah, are you saying I'm only an imaginary friend?? hmm, not sure how I feel about that. ;)

    1. The irony! Hahaha well Becca OBVIOUSLY you transcend other instagram followers...mainly because ive spoken to you in person on SEVERAL occasions. Lol so you are more than an imaginary friend.
