And...Chemistry is the first to go! Ladies and gentlemen, this schoolweek I have some news to share: I have survived Chemistry! Hallelujah! I'm done!
Well, just about, anyway. Okay so technically I have one more chem class left to sit through, at co-op...but I've finished the book and completed all the tests, so that is small potatoes. Let's just hope Dr. Huff doesn't try to squeeze any more labs into that last hour of misery. Yikes. Lab reports are the worst. But i made it through and completed the sixteenth module of my book last Thursday (i know, that was like five days ago, but cut me some slack. I'm still recovering from thirty-two weeks of brain-wracking). Oh man, I am just wallowing in the joy. I'm not a science person. Or a math person, I might add. So you can imagine my excitement as this academic year is wrapping up. I could kiss a cow, I'm so happy! Well, maybe not. Cows are nasty. But don't let that take away from the fact that I am definitely a very happy kid! It's not that I hated chemistry (although my siblings who heard my head banging on the wall every day this year would beg to differ), or found it impossible (only almost). I was pretty much able to get the gist of the atoms and molecules, the difference between molarity and molality, entropy vs enthalpy, yada yada yada. Oh yeah, and moles. They are, by the way, not just dopey animals. They are a unit of...mass? Mass. Maybe. Well, conjure up a chemical equation in your head for the formation of carbon dioxide or something. See that coefficient in front of the C (carbon. My favorite element because it's so easy to remember how many valence electrons it has....4)? That's how many moles are used in the reaction. Now, I realize you may have no idea what I'm talking about. Ha! Well, now you understand how I felt this entire year!!!
Now don't you go thinking "homeschoolers are so lucky, because they get done with school in May." We didn't have any less schooldays than you did! While you were all chillin' at the tournament games at the Bangor Auditorium this past February, I was plugging away at school. Reading about the Fourth Lateran Council or whatever. And even after working through February and April vacations, I'm still not done with all my school in May! I have plenty of math and history left to worry about in the home stretch, thank you very much. Because no, homeschoolers do not usually finish all of their subjects at once. At least this one definitely doesn't. I still have several weeks of Algebra 2, and i'm trying to condense my last 3 weeks or so of history into like...1. Oh, the joys of being "home-taught". Okay, just a second. I have to say something. I think "home-taught" is just a way to make us sound less....i don't know, weird? Homeschool-ish? Or maybe both because they are pretty much the same thing? haha just kidding. But I just have to face the music. I'm homeschooled, even though i'm not what people think a "typical homeschooler" is. I do talk in full sentences and I don't have a goat....and I don't go around toilet-papering public schools, either, just for the record. But anyway, as of today i thought you'd like to know that I am cutting science completely from my assignments! Unless we take a field trip to an amusement park to study physics or something, that i could probably fit into my schedule. I mean, hey, I'm homeschooled.
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