"The Box" was first unwittingly created by Alyssa, in reference to the terrible, hollow cubes that are steadily pilfering all our stuff. Got a movie you really wanted to watch but we packed up for the next three months or so until we've moved? It was exiled to "the Box".
Alyssa is credited with the formation of this term because she, having the most junk, naturally has been most dearly affected by the Box. And when we ask her where some of her toys are, she has to say just two ominous words, "the Box". Many books, movies, stuffed animals, momentos, and other random household objects have been snatched by the Box, leaving void places in our home. They won't be seen again until we are in our new house. *sniffle*. But its okay because some things, such as some dreary paintings that (in my opinion) depreciate our walls, will not be missed. And with some things, like various vases or mantle pieces, we probably haven't even noticed their absence. It turns into a guessing game of what has been claimed by the Box when you hear mom using the packing tape. What will the Box steal from us, next?
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